Chemistry 110

Spring 2022

Presented Homework Articles

HW #1

Lady Corral���������������������������� Air pollution impacts of COVID-19�related containment measures


Aidan Doran�������������������������� Environmental impacts, pollution sources and pathways of spent lithium-ion batteries

Will King������������������������������� Air Pollution Control Philosophies

Daniel Saravia Romero��������� Air pollution and visitation at U.S. national parks

Sachin Sukumar��������������������� Asymmetric barriers in atmospheric politics of transboundary air pollution: a case of particulate matter (PM) cooperation between China and South Korea

HW #2

Will Emerson������������������������� Assessing Inequitable Urban Heat Islands and Air Pollution Disparities with Low-Cost Sensors in Richmond, Virginia


Caitlin Fay����������������������������� Air Pollution Impairs Subjective Happiness by Damaging Their Health

Sam Schott����������������������������� The value of air quality in housing markets: A comparative study of housing sale and rental markets in China


Alexa Sottosanti����������������������� Review on urban vegetation and particle air pollution - Deposition and dispersion


Brad Spector�������������������������� Effects of pollution on land snail abundance, size and diversity as resources for pied flycatcher, Ficedula hypoleuca

HW #3


Aidan Doran�������������������������� Recent Advances in Alternative Sources of Energy




Meghna Melkote������������������� Combining game theory concepts and system dynamics for evaluating renewable electricity development in fossil-fuel-rich countries in the Middle East and North Africa


Brad Spector�������������������������� Tropical fishes vanished after the operation of a nuclear power plant was suspended in the Sea of Japan


Michael Zhou������������������������� Wasted Food, Wasted Energy: The Embedded Energy in Food Waste in the United States

HW #4


Oriana Ballotta Garman�������� Short-term exposure to a synthetic estrogen disrupts mating dynamics in a pipefish


Aidan Doran�������������������������� A review of water pollution arising from agriculture and mining activities in Central Asia: Facts, causes and effects


Will King������������������������������� Factors Affecting Water Pollution: A Review


Bronson McLeod������������������� Distorting science, putting water at risk


Sam Schott����������������������������� Before and After the Flint Water Crisis: Changes in the Consumption of Sugary Beverages in Residents Affected by Lead Contamination